Winter 2006-2007

21 February:

Very beautiful day. Beautiful sun. (12° the morning).

We switched off the visible lighting.  The titmouse spends most of the time hung on the cables of the camera and we wanted to know if this problem came from lighting.

We will stay thus a few days. Only the infra-red webcam works.

Visits: 10h41, 11h23, 12h06, 12h53, 13h, 13h19, 15h15, 15h25, 15h40, 16h24, 17h56

These are very long visits, sometimes 10 minutes. Most of the time is still spent next to webcams. The light does not seem to be in question. Of course, that gives mostly fuzzy close-ups of parts of titmouses!

Perhaps that simply, all this is just a play. She has much pulled on the cables, that they are now a very comfortable perch.

754755415hi there!




A little colour...

Gros planHum!

What's up, Doc?


Also they share the terrace.


Beautiful spring collar.


22 February:

Beautiful morning. 15°. Dark afternoon, it rains at the end of the day.

A dozen long visits, long examination of webcams.

Visits at 10h, 12h, 13h10, 13h16, 13h53, 1h56, 16h06, 16h10, 16h18, 1h51, 17h26 and 17h36.


Even if we do not see them in the terrace, they are not very far. If I go in the terrace, he arrives a little later. He looks at me, protests a little, and roost very near, above me.

It is 17h37, it begins to be dark, but she arrives with a large moss tuft in the bill. No problem: nest build-up continues in spite of the cameras. I saw her, leaning at the hole, five or six times.


23 February:

Overcast. A small drizzle. 15°    

Repeated visits, in particular in the evening, starting at 17h until 18h.    

About fifteen long visits (5 to 6 minutes): 9h10, 11h, 12h, 13h52 to 13h57, 14h36, 15h07, 15h17, 15h27, 16h38, 16h45, 16h50, 17h27, 17h37 and 17h45. 

The nest is really started, she brought five moss billfuls, this evening, despite the growing darkness.  At this hour, activity lessens and perhaps she is less disturbed to gather the moss.


She packs the moss against the door using its body and wings.

global mousseDétail mousse

She, with a big billful of moss.

This evening we fixed the cable of the camera to the wall, inside the nest. We hope that she will not rmiss too much her perch.

24 February:

Many visits today, about thirty, from 8h16 to 17h34.

No problem with the modification of the cable. She now spends its time in the nesting box to arrange the moss and seems much less interested  in the cameras.

She continues to bring moss, which it packs along the wall with the entry hole.



A new billful.


Passage of a Great tit. 

This is a poor picture, but they stay just moments on the terrace. If a blue tit is present, passage is still shorter.  This small ball of feathers, race and drives out without respites or fear its great cousin.

25 February:

Rain, still more rain and strong wind. The sky stays overcast all the day.

We switch on the visible lighting of the nesting box and decided to stop it towards 17h.

15h: The coming-and-going with a moss tuft continue. It is she which works, very encouraged  by him which escorts her to the entry of the nesting box.


19 passages in the nesting box today, from 8h30 to 17h45. We stop giving the detail of visits and only the total time, because the list begin to be a little long (and annoying to read!).

26 February: