From day to day.

Janvier 2008Janvier 2008 -2-Février -1- 2008Février -2- 2008Février -3- 2008Mars -1- 2008Mars -2- 2008Avril -1- 2008Avril -2- 2008Avril -3- 2008Avril -4- 2008
Mai -1- 2008Mai -2- 2008Mai -3- 2008Mai -4- 2008Mai -5- 2008Mai -6- 2008 Juin 2008
Juillet 2008
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June -1- 2008 

[Sorry, not yet translated. Translation in progress.]

June 1st


Always in their purple tree (Purple hazel).

            The sun has attracted gatherers.


2 June

Showers. 18°C


Loyal to their tree.

They await their mother.


3 June

Clouds and sunny spells. 18 °C.

CerisesNot easy to savour cherries for a wood pigeon. The branch bends under its weight and the cherry gets away.

A cherry tree in the garden attracts wood pigeons, they are more than a dozen to gather cherries in this way.


[Supplement to taking flights of 26 May:

Webcam extérieure

We installed a webcam outside to film the nest exits. The result is not very good, it's just a webcam and it is located far from the nest box but we did not want to get closer just before the exit.
Here is a feeding from mother at the door, leaving Number 5 joined by Number 6. You can see their brothers and sisters waiting in the birch. The loading is a bit long. Please wait a few seconds.

Watch VIDEO   (8368ko 38s)



4 June

Cloudy with sunny spells. 14°-20°C


Return of three youngsters. The rest of the band is still in the garden.
They are able to hold their prey with their claws and don't gulp the mealworms whole.


5 June

Cloudy and not too hot in the morning, 13-20°C.

.They are four this morning.

They follow their mother in her travels.

They hold well the branches, even the thin ones, as this clematis stalk.



A bath on the way.


The bill has refined. He became the slim and pointed beak of insectivores.

Yellow has almost completely disappeared.

Only a small souvenir remains at the beak commissure.

The cap is grey.

The wings and tail continue to take bluish tones matched to the legs. You must see them at the proper angle, otherwise they seem uniformly grey.


They retain a general grey tone beside their mother. They are very difficult to locate, their hue hides well them in the trees.


In comparison, baby great tit gives a darker impression, even if it is in the same shades of camouflage.

The cap is black. The black band on the chest is clearly visible.


Souvenir, souvenir...
One of the juveniles came back two seconds at the door of the nest box.
I left the plants resume their freedom. Then, difficult to see.


6 June

Weather fresh and overcast.


Four little accompany their mother.
The others? I don't know yet, unclear if they are still in the garden. We will see in a few days.

Yesterday evening, a jay landed on the birch and frightened the little (and me for them!). It was beautiful. I've rarely seen them so close. It is really a big bird.

The young are starting to peck anything they find. Yesterday, one of them was long interested in a clematis bud which he pecked heartily.


The flower bloomed today.


7-9 June

It is nice and warm, 27°C.


Yet a short visit to the nest box.

Two weeks after their exit, they are four who pursue their mother, who leads them farer and longer. She is beset by her young, and often she fled pursued by the entire band in single file.


At the beginning they waited calmly their turn, now they rush to the prey almost aggressively. They became very noisy unlike the first week when they where hardly heard.
They are crazy, do not remain still and change branch continuously. Hard to count them.


They are as big as their mother, much blue, yellow begins to appear (notably on the neck), the cap, still grey, betrays their youth. They are easily confused with their mother if they were seen briefly.

The number of trips and feedings that their mother has made and continues to do is impressive. They will still stay with her, from two to three weeks. They will eventually take gradually their adult livery and become independent.




Youngsters begin to search by themselves everywhere. One hangs upside down, nibbling, as an adult, the last year seeds of the birch. Another inspects with application the twigs of trees. And this other one looks at the remains of clematis.


As for this orchid bud, this little just hung to it! After his departure I noticed, a pretty hole in the bud.


I wondered how to stop the assistance without problem, but the mother takes them explore their world outside the balcony and this is a very good thing. Quite naturally they will visit other areas of exploration. So I just stop gradually.

Thank you for having followed us. Other news will follow the life of the balcony.




The clematis buds that start to open are always visited.

June 10
Time splendid. 25 degrees. Short passing of a youngster in the morning, then no one more.
June 11
Beautiful, warm, 27 degrees. Obviously they have found enough to eat elsewhere. That is good, they become autonomous.
June 12
14 °. Wind and rain in early afternoon. Surprise this morning! Seen 6 little. Yes, these are six youngsters who came to perch a few seconds in the birch. The time to recount and they went away.
A little comes to eat alone the latest worms in the feeder. Another tries to sing.
June 13
Passage of a little ... to sing. Well seated on its feet, on top of birch, where his father sang, it varies melodies, the quiff up. If this is a reservation ... no problem, the nest box will be ready at your disposal.
June 15
Time mixed and cold this morning 10° -20°C. We almost don't see them anymore. And then voilà! the mother, feathers a little messy, accompanied by a still demanding young.

16 June

.Not quite hot this morning 10°-20°C. Small rains.
After the great work of previous weeks, now it is calm. There are much less birds and songs.
The wood pigeons are still around. They must nest nearby; a wood pigeon literally attacked the crows that had perched in his cherry. It was very amazing to see the pigeon hustle a crow plunging on it.

.Arrival of the mother with a little still asking loudly to tcheet tit tit

Curious this gap compared to others that I saw eat only 5 days ago already. And if it was another family?



25 June

                                            Summer blossom.

Clématite Jackmanii

The Jackmanii clematis (late, large flowers) is in full bloom. This is one of the best clematis, the more rustic. Year after year its blossom is more and more beautiful. I prune the clematis once in autumn to clean large vines and then, at the end of winter, I trim to a meter high.

[The Jackman's were a large family of English (Surrey) nurserymen from 1810 to 1976, clematis specialists. In 1858, from their hybridizations was born "Clematis Jackmanii".]

Zantedeschia aethiopicaPaphio

The zantedeschia accompanies the paphiopédilum.

[Plant improperly known as "white arum or Ethiopia arum or Arum Lilly, is in fact the Zantedeschia aethiopica or Richardia africana. Of the family of aroids, a native of South Africa is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant of wetlands. This is its spathe surrounding a spadix (where the true flowers are) that you appreciate.]


The passionflower is covered with promising buds. It bloomed and fructified last year. I have two passionflowers, both given as Passiflora caerulea, but one is full of buttons and clear foliage, the other the darker foliage, never bloomed for 4 years. Probably (very!) different varieties, pity that they are not always disclosed on labels.

The bee chooses its lobelia, nestled in the sedum.



Dame sparrow came accompanied by four little. Fine brood. At the beginning of the season we saw only one or two young per family. She quickly accepted a few offered seeds.


There is little activity on the balcony. The tits are gone toward other horizons. The mother blue tit (ours?) from last week did not come back. Only a youngster made some visits.

Un grand buveur
Major drinkers!
The greenfinches are the birds that come to drink more often. And they drink a lot.

This year, the basin has a roaring success
Before, I  put a saucer, less deep, which had not been so attractive.


26 June

                                        The beautiful little fly.

Anthomyia pluvialis

This small fly spends all his days on the zantedeschia flower, sometimes with a friend.

I think it is an Anthomyia pluvialis or Anthomyiid Fly. It's know to dance before rain.


[Anthomyia pluvialis - Diptera Anthomyiidae]

Anthomyia pluvialis

Five black spots on his grey-white chest grouped into 2 and 3.


29 June


Little blue, the come back! 

A little bald, wearing poorly and less brilliant colour, but it is she.


A magpie passes, accompanied by a juvenile but who did not wanted to be photographed.


First passionflower, a pity that the flowers last only a short time (2 days).


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