Winter 2006-2007

26 February:

Gloomy today, 10°. First visit at 8h, last at 18h15. He remains more and more time  patroling its territory.

Strong wind. Wheather lightens a little in late afternoon.


22 very long visits.

Sometimes, she stays in the nest box more than 15 minutes.

She spreads out the moss,  then tamps it again.


He keeps watch close to the nesting box. We saw both of them today all the time, except between 14h30 and 16h30.

The wind is very strong. I see a sparrow passing … flying backwards a few moments!

She often passes the head by the nest hole, seems ready to leave, then enters again. She can repeat this behaviour five or six times. He is in alarm at each apparition of the small head. When she finally leaves, she is so fast that it is difficult to capture in a picture.

It happens that he, who waited hopping in front of the nesting box, has one moment of inattention and does not see her leaving. It ends up looking in the nesting box and finds her behind him. 

Elle a la porte

It is almost almost dark, and we obtained a small blue… with blue eyes.

Tu es là?

Are you there?

Lui, huppe

He, with its raised cap, keeping watch, at a few hops from the nest.

Tous les deux.

Both of them. It is rare to be able to have both of them in the same picture. They are seldom nearby.

One recognizes the male at his lowered wings and raised tail attitude.

It is a stance which he assumes in front of the female.

27 February:

31 visits today.

Gloomy and rainy weather.

She stays long time in the nesting box and he keeps watch scrupulously.



Today the sparrows behaved a little too intrusively.

They surrounded the nesting box and even perched on it. They approached immediately  the arriving titmouse. Mister blue-feathers had many a concern. Usually he is able to overcome invaders, but when the sparrows are too numerous, he has dificulties  to master his territory. It spent all the beginning of the afternoon on the defensive on the birch. 

Avec les piafs

Fortunately at the end of the afternoon, all straightened. The sparrows left the nest neighbourhood.

As in all afternoons, it is only after 17h that she begins to bring big moss tufts and a little of dry grass.


Hidden by a moss tuft!

Entrée de la mousse
Ans the moss go into!

Belle sortie
And out again. A jump taking hold on the hole for a beautiful take-off.

28 February:

Always rain with beautiful sunny spells. Strong wind. 12°.

34 visits. 


As all afternoons, moss start arriving about 17h. It is highly probable that she is less disturbed at this time (closing out of the garden below, or of the works at  building site nearby).

MousseAt 18h she still works.

Demi tour

A little gymnastics. She left the nesting box as usual after having sticking out the head several times.  The body is already out and at the last moment she remained hung to the hole, the tail pressed against the nest. He is just a little farder. He can be distiguished behind the rose tree leafs.